How one Indigenous woman keeps her culture alive in Indianapolis

Stephanie Big Eagle grew up in an environment where she learned to be ashamed of who she was. As a result, she felt no desire to learn about her Indigenous heritage.

This all changed in her early 20s. With roots in the Lakota and Dakota Sioux people, Then Big Eagle started having dreams about her ancestors, the Lakota and Dakota Sioux people.

“I had one [repetitive] dream in particular … where an elderly man with his head dress on and in his full buckskin regalia would come up to me and just give me a hug,” Big Eagle said. “It was one of the most welcoming and beautiful feelings I’ve ever had in my life.” 

In her 20s, Big Eagle decided to start reconnecting with her culture. As a part of this process, she received traditional facial tattoos, and went on to learn the practice herself. She then decided to learn the practice herself. Now, Big Eagle owns a traditional handpoke tattoo studio in Indianapolis. 

Big Eagle’s process starts with a conversation. Traditional handpoke tattoos have meaning, such as markings of identity or messages to a person’s ancestors. Big Eagle will sit down with a client and discuss their ancestry as well as what they hope the design will achieve. She then draws the design using this information. 

When a client actually steps into the studio, she first goes over the design with them and places the stencil. She will then she says a blessing to honor both her and her client’s ancestors. Then, the tattooing begins. 

“For me and for my people, tattooing is a very sacred process,” Big Eagle said. “When I’m calling in our ancestors like that, it keeps that space open for that and for the ceremony that it really is.”

Handpoke tattooing is not the only way Big Eagle keeps her culture alive. She also sells products made by other Indigenous people in her studio. Additionally, Big Eagle often performs fancy shawl dancing and does activism work. 

Big Eagle is also passing down her culture. One of her children, Jo Long, has been on their own journey of reconnecting to their Indigenous roots as they enter adulthood. Long said watching their mom become involved in the Indigenous community helped inspire them to learn more about their culture.

“She has knowledge that I don’t know, and I have knowledge that she doesn’t know,” Long said. “Being able to put that together is nice.” 

Long goes to Indiana University Bloomington and is the vice president of the Native American Student Association there. Outside of school, Long is participates as an activist in both Indigenous issues and others that affect communities of color. 

As a part of their cultural reconnection, Long received traditional tattoos from Big Eagle. Long said they got their tattoos, which symbolize protection and guidance, from their mother because they consider her one of their teachers in learning about their culture. Long plans to get more traditional handpoke tattoos in the future.

“It’s intense, but I like it,” Long said. “Traditionally, getting tattooed is always a rite of passage. Like, if you can get through this tattoo, then that’s an accomplishment that you just made.”

Big Eagle said watching Long embrace their Indigenous roots and know who they are is important. 

“I didn’t have that when I was a child,” Big Eagle said. “To be able to see my kids ... have the choice to embrace that or not, it’s everything to me.”